Your 2018 New Year's Resolutions
New Year, new you, right? "This is going to be the best year of your life" and all that, right?
In the FIRST ART OF LIKABILITY EPISODE IN 2018 we will talk about how shifting your focus from "what" to "who" will push you to accomplish those New Year's Resolutions!
"Who," not "what"
Tell me: do these sound like typical New Years Resolutions?
"I want to lose 10 lbs."
"I want to be more confident."
"I want to start my own business/build on my business success."
These are all great and admirable goals, but I think there's a different way to frame these goals, one that might supercharge your New Year's Resolution game....
All these goals tell you what someone wants to get done.
Instead, beat the curve by thinking about who you must become to get these done!
Get into DETAILS! If you can picture the who you must become, you can also picture the activities and habits she does!
Instead of wishing to lose 10 lbs, a fit person will consciously snack on healthy foods rather than ice cream.
Instead of wishing to become more confident, a self-sure person can greet everyone with a smile and a quick "Hello!"
Instead of wishing for business prosperity, a successful person will wake up earlier to make more time for execution and planning during the day.
Really spend your time thinking about WHO. After all, this is your goal, your New Year's Resolution that you are thinking about. I like to call this "creating space."
Creating Space
I love this time of year because it allows you to create the space to focus on your goals and the steps you're taking towards those goals.
You invest a little bit of time to refocus yourself now instead of losing that time second-guessing your goals in the moment while you're at work or mid-commute back home (remembering that you have to hit the gym!). On the whole, this allows you to save time.
Take that bit of space to think about WHO you have to become, rather than WHAT you want to accomplish.
Since you're here with the Art of Likability, I know you're serious about organizing your time and your life. There's a way for you to save up to 192 hours on tasks you already do!
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