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Add More Value

By Arel Moodie

September 24, 2017

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In this episode of the Art of Likability we talk about how important it is to identify your purpose in the world and you help to make the world a better place.

Knowing what you do and why you do it is important because it is how you add value to the world.

The opposite of adding value and giving yourself to the world is to take in information, to consume. We want to be careful of overconsumption:

Don't Overconsume

You've probably heard this one for fast food before. But what about everything else you take in-information in the form of news, websites, books, documentaries, and much more?

If you've had the chance to learn and consume a lot of information, why can't you share what YOU think?

From the Art of Likability to the Art of You

"But why should I write about X if this famous person is already writing about it?" -every doubter ever

You could be dissuaded from starting your own blog, website, or podcast (all ways to add value to the world!) because there are already so many other people writing about a topic.

You're right. There are many people writing about what you want to write about. But they haven't reached everyone with their message, and they don't hold the kind of influence you wield with your friends and community.

From the Art of Likability to the Art of You: I would love it if everyone in the Art of Likability family started to make their own content. If you already know to what you want to add value and are raring to go, just go!

But if you're not there yet, let's get crystal clear about your purpose, and how you add value to the world.

Pen, Paper, Purpose

Please take out a pen and paper right now, and write down what it is you do and how it makes the world a better place. 

You don't have to run a big website or find the cure for cancer to have something to write down. It could be something like:

  • Providing care for a sick person, because they need support in their time of need
  • Volunteering your time to a cause you believe in, because only talking about it won't realize its goals

When you've written your purpose down, feel free to tweet me at @arelmoodie on Twitter to share your purpose with me and the Art of Likability family?

If you've written down your purpose, perhaps you might also write down your email here so you can get heads-up, first look notice for our upcoming FREE, LIVE WEBINAR!

We'll be discussing advanced likability tips and additional future content for all of the Art of Likability family to enjoy! You'll get to discuss and ask me questions live!